Would you like to maximise your chances of a straight forward birth?
Did you know osteopathic treatment can improve birth outcomes? (1)
As well as helping to relieve back , pelvic and pubic symphysis pain, heartburn and headaches during pregnancy, recent research has shown better birth outcomes in women who have osteopathic treatment during pregnancy (1).
Treatment is gentle and can help to balance out your pelvis and spine. This is thought to help the baby to enter the pelvis as level as possible as well as ease it’s passage through the birth canal.
Sharon has also found that linking osteo treatment with the Calmbirth courses (www.calmbirth.com.au) plus good nutrition can all add up to a more straight forward, happier delivery….
BUT please don’t leave it too late ! If you want your pelvis checked out for the birth, come along as soon as you can. That way, if there are any major issues, we have a bit of time to sort them out.
Need more info? Call Sharon on 9907 8919
(1) Osteopathic manipulative treatment in pre-natal care. Evidence supporting improved outcomes and health policy implications ‘. Hollis H King AAO Journal 2000