Breastfeeding can be a stressful time for new mums, but there are steps you can take to make it easier for yourself and your baby:
- Massage your breasts when you can. This reduces the sodium content of the milk, making it taste nicer for bub. It also reduces the chances of mastitis
- Babies feed best when they have just woken up and are calm, so try if you can to feed them before they start crying to be fed. Look for little cues, like tongue thrusting and lip smacking.
- Very young babies will push their head back if pressure is put on the back of their head . So, bring their body in close to yours when you try to feed, but instead of pushing against the back of their heads to guide them on to the boob, try putting your hand under their cheek and supporting their head that way. This will give them the freedom to move their head and neck in to the most comfortable and efficient position to feed .
If you have any questions about any of these tips, please call Sharon on 9907 8919