Lower Back PainLumbarNewsOsteopathic TreatmentOsteopathySolutionsTips 17Jun 0 Don’t Let Back Pain Rule Your Life According to Safe Work Australia, around 58 works per 1000 are injured during a 12 month period
ArthritisNewsOsteopathySolutions 03May 0 Taking a Stiff Upper Lip with Arthritis 3.85 million Australians suffer almost constant pain from arthritis, according to the Arthritis Australia
FeetNewsOsteopathic TreatmentOsteopathyPostureSolutionsTips 21Feb 0 Do you suffer from poor posture? Do you suffer from poor posture: rounded shoulders, a ‘hump’ at the base of the neck and a slightly ‘slumped’ back?
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Lower Back PainLumbarNewsOsteopathic TreatmentOsteopathyPostureSittingSolutionsTips 16Dec 0 Tips for Lower Back Pain Did you know that humans are designed to be upright and on the move? We are NOT designed to sit